Intermittent Fasting ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿคท

Wednesday 24th February 2021

You’re perhaps wondering what is this right? well, let me explain it to you, itโ€™s basically an eating plan that switches between eating and fasting on a regular basis. Research has shown that when fasting for prolonged periods of time can help you lose weight and help prevent or even reverse the risk of diseases. But how do you do it? and does it work?

Many diets tell you what to eat but intermittent fasting is when you eat make any sense yet? when intermittent fasting you can only eat in a dedicated time window, fasting for a number of hours in a day or eating one meal a few days a week can help your body burn fat.

how does it work?
There are many ways to start intermittent fasting, but they are all based on a selection of regular times of eating and fasting. For example, you eat only during an eight-hour window and fast for the remainder. Or you might decide to eat only one meal a day two days a week. There are so many different intermittent fasting plans.

After hours without food, the body exhausts its sugar stores and starts burning fat this is called metabolic switching also known as ketosis.

Health benefits:

Heart health. Intermittent fasting improved blood pressure

Thinking and memory. Studies show that intermittent fasting boosts memory in animals and verbal memory in adult humans

Physical performance. Young men who fasted for 16 hours showed fat loss while maintaining muscle mass.ย 

more benefits for intermittent fasting check this link out

Secret for more energy๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿค”

Tuesday 23rd February 2021

Your most likely thinking here we go again another of those pointless theories but this is no pill or potion but just a liquid we’re all familiar with it mostly morning times any thoughts yet?

GREEN TEA!!! has been used in Indian and chinese traditional medicine for many years. it comes as no surprise as to why there has been so many theories but i’m just speaking from personal experience and the effect it had on me, I was introduced to this when me and my cousin went out for a coffee and instead getting coffee like a normal he asked for tea at the time is was thinking dafaq is that haha.

But then he told me the benefits he saw from it I was apprehensive at first but eventually said fuck it what harm can it do right? 3 weeks had gone by and I had been drinking it on and off but then all of a sudden I felt this rush of energy!!! I felt like Goku and had unlocked something that never thought existed. lol

Long story short start drinking green tea it helps with losing weight, more focus, energy digestion as well as other things that you may need to look into further.

adios for now stay tuned for more posts like this

Working out ๐Ÿ‹ and life in Lockdown๐Ÿง

Tuesday 23rd February 2021

It’s obvious that we should all be physically active no matter what age we reach! but for me, gym and working out has been a lifesaver! yes, you heard me right a lifesaver! being active is a great deal of importance to me, I like going on daily walks and runs because I feel it helps me release any negative energy I may have inside as well as releasing some steam.

When I work out I feel an enormous sense of well-being I am more energetic as the day goes by and feel I’m more focused and able get on with my work without being distracted and feel more positive about myself.

Exercising regularly has helped and made a great impact on me as a person it has helped me depression and anxiety during the pandemic. But has deteriorated slightly as the gyms shutting down had a great effect on my mental health and spend most of my free time there, I found it extremely hard to find other things to do and pass time thank god for Netflix lol haha it has been a godsend I’ve been watching some good documentaries.

until next time bye, come back soon for more posts

It’s not all Doom and Gloom! My Favourite Old School Gangster Movies ๐ŸŽฅ ๐Ÿฟ

Wednesday 10th February 2021

  1. Al pacino’s Scarface (1983)

This movie in my opinion is one of the greatest gangster movies of all time directed by Brian De Palma which was released in 1983. The movie is based on the life of a man called Tony Montana played by (Al pacino ) which shows his rise from a Political Refugee from Cuba to ruthless drug lord.Who day to day lives a life of violence which is fuelled by drugs such as Cocaine and throughout is always looking over his shoulder as there is always someone or something getting in his way and uses violence to overcome any situation he is faced with

“You wanna play rough!” ok “say hello to my little friend”

rated for age + (18)

2. Goodfella’s (1990)

a dangerous tale about mob life in New York starring some of my favourites such as Robert De Niro as ( james Conway) A young man grows up in a mob gang and works hard to get up through the ranks while enjoying his life of money and luxury.

He is unaware of the danger and horror he is creating, with harsh drug addiction and couple mistakes he climbs to become the gangster of New York City and killing anyone who gets in his way

rated for age + (18)

 “Never rat on your friends, and always keep your mouth shut”

“What do you mean funny? Like a clown? Do I amuse you?! Huh”

“As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster.”

No Farmers No Food!!!!! ๐ŸŒพ ๐ŸŒฝ ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐ŸŒพ

Sunday 7th February 2021

Punjabi Kisaan (Farmer)

Kisaan Rally

In September 2020 the Indian Parliament passed three new agricultural bills, the bill was introduced to allow farmers to sell their products to markets outside of government-controlled markets such as the APMC.  Agricultural Produce Market Committee.
On the 9th of August 2020, an ongoing protest broke out amongst the Parliament of India and the Farmer unions.

The protest was begun due to a stir in fair trade prices in exchange for their goods, and a reform of laws as well as new agriculture acts being introduced, often referred to as the Farm Bills.

The bill did not specify details that would potentially affect future business deals. Details missed in the bill were minimum support price (MSP) that would ensure farmers accept fair prices for their goods. Another was the law not stating that written contracts are mandatory therefore making it difficult to testify against a buyer if there are any breaches in a contract.

The majority of Punjab’s farmers are Sikhs who depend on cultivation in order to provide for their families and earn livelihoods.

A majority of jobs in India are within the agricultural industry. Most of the farmers in Punjab are Sikhs they provide over 20% of wheat and 9% rice in India.

This means it calculates to a good spread of the global production of crops worldwide. Punjab alone provides an outstanding amount of crops nationally and globally every year,Therefore these numbers show us the importance of farmland and the impact it may cause. 

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Farming for Sikhs is a historical and cultural activity that carries deep meaningful roots in their community, but this new bill has caused a great  increase of anxiety and fear for farmers across Punjab

People and farmers themselves are  worried that they may not be able to negotiate a fair price for themselves in exchange of their services 

Most of the farmers in Punjab live off low incomes which support an entire family, this is because the farm labourers own smalls portions of land which equates to roughly two hectares worth of  land (five acres).

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Many of the Farmers in Punjab owe overwhelming amounts of debts. this number has rise by 61% in the last 30 years. Depression and anxiety rates have also risen in the Punjab farming community due to lack of money insecurities, This problem predominantly minately  affects small and marginalised farmers. 
The increase of debts has resulted to higher rates of suicide   for these farmers. Around 3,330 Punjabi farmers have committed ited suicide since 2000.

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