
No Farmers No Food!!!!! 🌾 🌽 👨‍🌾

Sunday 7th February 2021

Punjabi Kisaan (Farmer)

Kisaan Rally

In September 2020 the Indian Parliament passed three new agricultural bills, the bill was introduced to allow farmers to sell their products to markets outside of government-controlled markets such as the APMC.  Agricultural Produce Market Committee.

On the 9th of August 2020, an ongoing protest broke out amongst the Parliament of India and the Farmer unions.

The protest was begun due to a stir in fair trade prices in exchange for their goods, and a reform of laws as well as new agriculture acts being introduced, often referred to as the Farm Bills.

The bill did not specify details that would potentially affect future business deals. Details missed in the bill were minimum support price (MSP) that would ensure farmers accept fair prices for their goods. Another was the law not stating that written contracts are mandatory therefore making it difficult to testify against a buyer if there are any breaches in a contract.

The majority of Punjab’s farmers are Sikhs who depend on cultivation in order to provide for their families and earn livelihoods.

A majority of jobs in India are within the agricultural industry. Most of the farmers in Punjab are Sikhs they provide over 20% of wheat and 9% rice in India.

This means it calculates to a good spread of the global production of crops worldwide. Punjab alone provides an outstanding amount of crops nationally and globally every year,Therefore these numbers show us the importance of farmland and the impact it may cause. 

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Farming for Sikhs is a historical and cultural activity that carries deep meaningful roots in their community, but this new bill has caused a great  increase of anxiety and fear for farmers across Punjab

People and farmers themselves are  worried that they may not be able to negotiate a fair price for themselves in exchange of their services 

Most of the farmers in Punjab live off low incomes which support an entire family, this is because the farm labourers own smalls portions of land which equates to roughly two hectares worth of  land (five acres).

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Many of the Farmers in Punjab owe overwhelming amounts of debts. this number has rise by 61% in the last 30 years. Depression and anxiety rates have also risen in the Punjab farming community due to lack of money insecurities, This problem predominantly minately  affects small and marginalised farmers. 

The increase of debts has resulted to higher rates of suicide   for these farmers. Around 3,330 Punjabi farmers have committed ited suicide since 2000.

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my top 5 Tarantino movies 🎬🍿

Saturday 20th March 20th

In this post I will be sharing some of my top Tarantino films so let’s begin.

Quentin Tarantino is a American film director, screenwriter, producer, and actor. His films are characterised by nonlinear storylines, dark humor, aestheticization of violence


1 . Pulp Fiction (1994 )

This one is a bit of a weird if you ask me because it tells several stories of criminal Los Angeles.

The title of the stories refers to the pulp magazines and hardboiled crime novels popular during the mid-20th century, which was known for their graphic violence and punchy dialogue in those days.

The film opens up with a diner hold-up staged by a couple which then begins to shift from one storyline to another before returning to the diner for the conclusion in the end.

There are seven narrative sequences; the three primary storylines are preceded by small clips.

“Prologue – The Diner” (i)
Prelude to “Vincent Vega and Marsellus Wallace’s Wife”
“Vincent Vega and Marsellus Wallace’s Wife”
Prelude to “The Gold Watch” (a – flashback, b – present)
“The Gold Watch”
“The Bonnie Situation”
“Epilogue – The Diner”

I do recommend this however you might have to watch it more than once to understand each storyline as it jumps from scenes sometimes.

2. Kill Bill: Volume 1 (2003)

is a American martial arts film written and directed by Quentin Tarantino.

A woman in a white bleeding out wedding dress lies wounded in a chapel in El Paso, Texas.

Having been attacked and bleeding out by the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad. She tells Bill their leader that she is pregnant with his baby just before he shoots her in the head.

Four years later, having survived the attack, the Bride goes a journey of seeking revenge and killing all those who attacked her four years ago in Texas, El Paso.

rated 18+

If you like blood and gore I definitely recommend this one, but beware viewer discretion is strictly advised as some scenes viewers may find disturbing.

3. Kill Bill: Volume 2 (2004)

It stars Uma Thurman as the Bride, who continues her campaign journey of revenge against the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad.

Four years later, the Bride has already assassinated Deadly Vipers members. She follows Bill’s younger brother Budd to a trailer planning to ambush him.

Budd has been warned by Bill of her approach; she tries to kill Budd but he shoots her with a non-lethal shotgun with a blast of rock salt and sedates her.

He calls another former Deadly Viper, and arranges to sell her the Bride’s unique sword for $1 million dollars e puts the Bride inside a coffin and buries her alive.

Rated 18+

viewer discretion is strictly advised as some scenes viewers may find disturbing.

4.Reservoir Dogs (1994)

is a 1992 American crime film written, starring and directed by Quentin Tarantino in his f debut.

The movie starts off with 8 men eating breakfast at a Los Angeles diner before carrying out a diamond heist meanwhile the rest of the robbers start to suspect that one of them might be a police informant.

defo recommend this 100%

5. Inglourious Basterds (2009)

The film tells an alternate history story of two plots to assassinate Nazi Germany’s leadership Hitler.

The title was inspired by Italian director Enzo G. Castellari’s macaroni combat film The Inglorious Bastards (1978), though Tarantino’s film is not a remake of it.

source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Inglorious_Bastards (1978)

Set in 1941 a French dairy farmer knows whereabouts of the last unaccounted-for Jewish family in the area, the Dreyfus family.

A soldier suspects that the farmer is hiding the Dreyfuses under his floorboards and, in exchange for the Germans agreeing to leave his family alone for the rest of the war the french farmer reluctantly confirms it. and orders his SS soldiers to shoot through the floorboards, killing them all but one of the Dreyfus family; Shosanna, the daughter who escapes the shooting as she runs, one of the shooters decides to let her go.

viewer discretion is strictly advised as some scenes viewers may find disturbing and contains strong language

rated +18

My 30 day break from Social Media ✋⛔️

Friday 18th March 2021

It’s important to take breaks from social media from time to time because studies show that spending too much time scrolling can increase feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression.

To take a break from social media, all you should do is turn off notifications , and prioritize your self care or find other activities you enjoy. or just switch of your phone

In this post I will be talking about the short break I took from social media and the benefits i saw from it so shall we get into it.

It is important to takes short breaks from social media every now and and just press the reset button, I found myself that I would disappear down a rabbit hole and just scroll hours and hours online, it would be 10:30 and then next you look its 3 am! (they do say “time flys when you’re having fun” lol) joking

At this point I knew I fucked up hahaha!!

Instead of spending time scrolling online I found activities I enjoy and prioritise myself, and created a self-care routine.

I like to go on walks and runs as well reading and listening to podcasts.

I found that doing these activities I was using my time more efficiently and felt more productive because when I was scrolling I would be constantly comparing myself to others and see what they are doing I knew this was not right and felt weird.

“A social media detox is simply just a break. … “Stepping away from social media is a great way to get a better picture of reality and what is going on in the real world.”


However since we are in pandemic there a been a rise in social media usage and people are using it as entertainment, and there are negative connotations to this as well it shows depression and anxiety rates increasing amongst teenagers since the netflix documentary was aired.

benefits of taking a break from social media:

  • Break the Social Comparison Cycle
  • Protect Your Privacy
  • You’ll Stop Feeling Competitive.
  • Improve Your Mood
  • Reconnect With the Real World
  • Begin Living in the Moment
  • Stop Obsessing Over the Past


The benefits of Black Coffee ☕️

Tuesday 16th March 2021

Hello and good morning, in today’s post i will be talking about and giving the benefits of black coffee and why you should drink it so let’s go.

Black coffee is rich in taste and a antioxidant which can help fight cell damage and reduce the risk of serious health problems such as cancer and heart disease.

Coffee is a primary source of antioxidants and apart of most diets. it contains high levels of vitamin B and caffeine.

Coffee can help you feel less tired and give you more energy

This is because it has a stimulant in it called caffeine, which is mostly used as a psychoactive ingredient all over of the world and people normally have coffee on the go or when they travel to work! who ever has time for breakfast right? haha anyway were were we!

Studies have shown drinking a few cups of black coffee can help you burn fat yes you heard me right FAT!!!! the particular reason for this is that it increases your metabolic rate around 11 to 10 % and allows you to somewhat stay longer for fuller and longer periods of time.

As well as increasing fat burning rates to as much as 10% depending on the person

Here are some reasons for drinking black coffee:

1.Burn Fat

2. Make You Smarter

3. Improved physical performance

4.Low risk of type 2 diabetes

5. Longer life expectancy

for more cool facts about coffee click the link below:


Favourite Horror Movies 🤡

Monday 15th March 2021

In today’s post I will be going through my favourite horror movies so sit back, relax and let’s begin!

  1. The Conjuring is a 2013 American supernatural horror film. which is based on a true story, The Conjuring involves real-life supernatural investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren, who were involved in the Amityville saga.

In 1971 a couple move into a farmhouse in Harrisville, Rhode Island, with their five daughters and their dog Sadie who refuses to enter the house, while playing a game of “hide and clap” they find a boarded-up entrance which leads to a cellar.

Paranormal events occur within the first few nights of the family moving in . All of the clocks stop at at 3:07 AM, birds fly into windows, the dog (sadie) is found dead in the backyard.

One night one of the daughters encounters a malevolent spirit only which she can only see, telling her that it wants her family dead and they must leave right away.

Another night, another daughter hears clapping in the hallway. When she goes to investigate, she becomes trapped in the basement by the spirit. At the same moment two of the other daughters are attacked in a bedroom by the spirit believed to be the first daughter encountered.

2. The Conjuring 2 which is actually called Conjuring 2: The Enfield Case is a 2016 American supernatural horror film. It is the sequel to 2013’s The Conjuring and the second installment in The Conjuring series.

This film follows the paranormal investigators as they travel to the United Kingdom to assist the Hodgson family, who are experiencing poltergeist activity at their Enfield house.

Which is based on a true story also as well.

the paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren investigate the Amityville murders at the Amityville house, to find out if a demonic presence was truly present and responsible for a death of a man called Ronald DeFeo Jr. killing the entire family in 1974, and the haunting incident involving the Lutz family.

Lorraine sees a vision where she relives the murders. The spirit of one of the killed children lures her to a basement, where she encounters a demonic nun figure and witnesses Ed (Patrick Wilson )to frightening her.

In 1977, the Hodgson family begins to experience strange occurrences in their home in the London suburb of Enfield after Janet, the second-oldest of four children, plays with a ouija board she made with her friend.

Janet one of the daughters starts to sleepwalk in her dreams with the spirit in the form of an angry elderly man who sits in a armchair, insisting the house is his and they should leave before things get worse.

Eventually, all the Hodgson siblings and their mother Peggy witness paranormal events, terrifying them into seeking refuge with their neighbors. When the media attempts to interview the family, a daughter is possessed by the elderly man, Bill Wilkins, who previously lived and died in the house.

During the possession, Wilkins says that he enjoys tormenting the family and wants to reclaim his home. As the daughter shows more signs of demonic possession, the story eventually reaches the Warrens, and their assistance is requested in an investigation to prove whether or not the daughters possession is a hoax.

Lorraine is scared that her vision of Ed’s death may become reality and warns him not to get too involved in the family problems. She has yet another vision of the demonic nun in Ed’s office, The demon says its name, which Lorraine scribbles in her Bible.

3. The Nun is a 2018 American supernatural horror film. It is a spin-off to 2016’s The Conjuring 2 and the fifth installment in the Conjuring Universe franchise.

This film follows a Roman Catholic priest and a nun as they uncover an unholy secret in 1952 Romania in which no one has ever known about.

In Romania, two nuns living at the Saint Cartha’s monastery and are attacked by an unseen evil force after entering a tunnel to retrieve an ancient Christian stone

A surviving nun, Sister Victoria, flees from the attacker, a demon appearing as the nun, hangs herself.

Her body is then discovered by Frenchie, a villager who transports supplies to the nuns on a daily basis.

The Vatican are informed of the incident and tells Father Burke to go to Rome, where he asks sister Irene, a nun in the making to Romania in order to help investigate the situation.

While Sister Irene is teaching religion and science in a school, her Mother Superior interrupts her and informs of the situation and what they may be potentially dealing with .

My Night Time Routine.

Wednesday 10th March 2021

  1. Wash my face with lukewarm water, so you can remove the dirt, grime, and excess oil that has built up inside my pores and use moisturiser on the skin.
  2. This will help to prevent clogging my pores and any breakouts, and will minimize dryness on the face.

I do this every morning to wake up and get rid of the germs that may have accumulated while sleeping the previous day. when you sleep your pillow may have some bacteria on it so it good to give your face a good scrub.

2.I exfoliate twice week, after washing my face I scrub away any dead skin cells that can clog up pores blackheads or whiteheads and any possible breakouts, when you exfoliate it allows healthy skins cells to live on your face and on the skin, this meaning it gives you a brighter skin look.

3. Moisture twice daily, once I cleanse and rubbed it into the skin, it hydrates and protects my face.

The final step is to use the moisturiser daily and apply on the face. it gives vitamins and nutrients to the skin.

My Morning Routine.

Tuesday 9th March 2021

  1. I drink 1 Litre (2 pints) of water as soon as I wake up. This is to get me hydrated and enables me to activate the digestive system. Drinking water first thing in the morning on an empty stomach can help you with weight loss as well.

2.meditating and breathing exercises I use an app called Headspace which is very good defo recommend it!

3. Stretching out my muscles so I don’t have cramps or muscle spasms from the night before as you may move around when sleeping.

Stretches should be done in a morning routine because it activates all muscles in your lower and upper body and combined with basic breathing techniques, will get your heart rate going! and gives you a good start to the day ahead.

4. 60 second cold shower!

you probably think i’m crazy but having a 1 minute cold shower early in the morning is a good way to get your blood circulating around the body wake up properly and get you ready for the day ahead.

many people think that this is impossible, but it’s not really comfortable and is pretty easy once you get use to it a few times

there are many benefits for cold showers and you’ll feel great once you get into the habit of taking early morning 60 second cold showers

Benefits of daily cold showers are:

A Improved immune system
Lower stress levels
better blood circulation
helps fat loss
Drains lymphatic system

For the last year or so, I have been trying to do the Wim Hof method to my daily routine.

And I can say with confidence and first hand experience I have felt major difference and the benefits to my immune system and have not had illnesses by adding a daily cold shower into my routine.

Shows and Movies to watch on Netflix 🎬🍿

Monday 8th March 2021

On this post I will be talking about shows and movies to watch on Netflix while living life in lockdown as there is nothing better to apart from gaining weight lol! from time to time we can all appreciate a bag of popcorn 🍿 and tub of ice- cream 🍨 it doesn’t look good on the gut but YOLO as they say HAHA!

1 . Narcos – Wikipedia: American crime drama television series. Set and filmed in Colombia, seasons 1 and 2 are based on the story of drug kingpin Pablo Escobar, who became a billionaire through the production and distribution of cocaine.

2. Ozark- Netflix Description: A financial advisor ( Jason Bateman) drags his family from Chicago to the Mizzori Ozarks, where he must launder $500 million in five years to appease a drug boss.

3. Inside the World’s Toughest Prisons- Wikipedia television documentary series. Investigative journalists become voluntary inmates in the world’s most volatile prisons, where intimidation and brutality rule. Starring:Paul Connolly, Raphael Rowe.

4 Donnie Brasco – Wikipedia Description The film is based on the true story of, an FBI undercover agent who spied on the Bonanno crime family in New York City during the 1970s, under the name Donnie Brasco.

5. Capone is a 2020 American biographical drama film. (Tom Hardy) starring as the eponymous gangster that we all know as Al Capone. The film is based on Capone after his 11-year sentence at Atlanta Penitentiary, as he suffers from neurosyphilis and dementia while living in Florida. defo recommended this one!!!!

6. American Gangster – Wikipedia: A 2007 American biographical crime film Denzel Washington based on a true story.

This movie is based on the criminal career of Frank Lucas, a gangster from La Grange, North Carolina who smuggled heroin into the United States on American service planes that were returning from the Vietnam War, before becoming and informant for the local police department which is led by a detective.

Why I love Tattoos💉

Saturday 6th March 2021

Tattoos are more popular and grown recognition as years went by.

People get tattoos for many reasons. Some get them purely for the art or as a memorial and other get them as a way to express personality and passions they may have.

And some get them because they are cool and eye catching.

  1. Your body is your body, and you can decorate it however you like.
  2. It can be expression of who you are on the inside.
  3. They can act as a marker of happy events or memories
  4. or they can be a memory for a loved one, or as a memory for keeping someone close by and a part of you.

Each tattoo is unique and are many reasons for getting them done , Tattoos can be individual and personal to you and it is a great way to stand out from the crowd and be noticed.

However some may agree getting tattoos are bad and looked upon as it limits your chances of finding a job but as long as they are not in visible areas you should be okay and might be able to get away with it by covering them by wearing long clothes or layering them with one another.

MY Favourite comedy movies 🤣

Wednesday 3rd March 2021

  1. Friday (1995)

1995 American comedy film directed by F. Gary and written by O’Shea Jackson (Ice Cube) It follows a character Craig Jones (Ice Cube) and Smokey (Chris Tucker) 2 unemployed friends who must pay a local drug dealer on a Friday night

This is the first installment of the Friday series

Ice Cube who plays in (Craig Jones) ,recently lost his job spends Friday with his best friend Smokey. ( Chris Tucker) a small-time drug dealer.

The pair smoke a joint of marijuana, which Smokey who was told to sell for Big Worm.

Big Worm smokey’s boss attempts to collect his money from Smokey, who makes him smoke the joint and incriminates Craig, subjecting them both to Big Worm’s ultimatum: pay $200 no later than 10:00pm that evening, or Smokey and Craig will be killed in a drive – by

I defo recommend these movies I can guarantee you will be on the floor laughing!

2.Next Friday (2000)

Next Friday is a 2000 stoner comedy film and the sequel to the 1995 film Friday.

after the events that took place in the first movie Smokey has decided to enter rehab to help him with his marijuana addiction.

rumors are speculating that Deebo, the neighborhood bully, will break out of jail to get revenge on Craig, so Craig’s father decides it’s safer for him to move to Rancho Cucamonga and live with his uncle and cousin who won the lottery one day and were able to afford a nice house in a middle-class neighborhood.

3. Friday After Next (2002)

Friday After Next is a American comedy film and the third installment in the Friday series.

The film begins with a robber who is disguised as Father Christmas and breaks into Craig and his cousin’s apartment at early hours of the morning on Christmas Eve.

He fights with the robber, trashing the apartment while attempting to wake up his cousin as back up

The robber escapes with both of their Christmas presents and rent money. The same morning, they call the police and come to make a report on the events that happened that same day.

Keep calm and CURRY on cooking🧑‍🍳

Monday 1st March 2021

In this post I will be going through how to make Indian curries these are some of my favourites to make, and since this whole pandemic all i’ve been doing is going to the supermarkets and just buying all sort of random ingredients because boredom has really taken over and there’s nothing better do apart from just get fat lol so here we go!

Butter Chicken

Greek yogurt

Juice of 1/2 a lemon 1 tsp. 

ground turmeric2 tsp. 

garam masala, divided1 tsp. 

ground cumin1 1/2 lb. 

boneless skinless chicken breast, cut into 1″ pieces6 tbsp. 

butter, divided1 

large onion, sliced2 

jalapeños, minced1 

cinnamon stick3 

cloves garlic, minced1 tbsp. 

freshly grated ginger1 tsp. 


(28-oz.) can diced tomatoes1/2 c. 

heavy cream

Freshly chopped cilantro, for garnish

Cooked basmati rice, for serving

Naan, for serving


1 . In a large bowl, mix yogurt, lime, lemon turmeric, 1 teaspoon garam masala, and cumin. Add chicken and mix until fully coated. Let marinate for 20 minutes

2. In a large pot or oven over medium-high heat, melt 2 tablespoons butter. add chicken and cook until golden all over, about 2 minutes on each side.

3. Reduce heat to medium and melt 2 tablespoons butter. Add onion, jalapeños, and Cook until soft, about 10 minutes. then stir garlic, ginger, leftover teaspoon of garam masala, and paprika.

4. Then Add tomatoes and bring mixture to a low heat then put chicken in a pot and toss to coat all over place on low until the chicken is cooked fully for about 10 minutes.

5. put in heavy cream and 2 tablespoons butter.

6. Garnish with mixed herbs and serve with rice or naan.

Beef Curry


2 lb. beef chuck, cut into 1 1/2-inch pieces
Kosher salt
Freshly ground black pepper
2 tbsp. vegetable oil
1 medium onion, diced
4 garlic cloves, finely grated
3″ piece ginger, finely grated
1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp. cayenne
3 tbsp. curry powder
2 (13.5-oz) cans unsweetened coconut milk

  1. Season the beef with salt and pepper. In a large pan on medium heat, heat oil. and Add the beef cook, flipping it once, until golden colour 4 to 5 minutes per side.

2. Add onion in a pan and cook until soft, about 8 minutes. then Add garlic, ginger, and spices along with coconut milk and bring to boil.

Lower the heat add beef, and continue to cook until fork tender, about 1 hour

3. Serve with yogurt, naan, and lemon or lime slices

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