
Munpreet Ahluwalia


Welcome to my Blog


Hello and welcome to my Blog.  

My name is Munpreet however those who are near and dear to me call me Ricky.  

I decided to start this blog to share and express my thoughts, feelings, hobbies, and interests. I also thought it would be a good way to develop and improve my writing skills as there’s always room for improvement.  

To be honest, I believe that sharing thoughts and emotions brings us together. It brings me comfort to know that I am not the only one who is thinking that thought or feeling that emotion. We can all help and look after each other by sharing what we honestly feel, think and believe. 

If you have come this far and thought this will be an interesting blog, then you are correct, there is plenty more to come. So grab yourself a coffee, sit back, relax and let’s begin!

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