my top 5 Tarantino movies 🎬🍿

Saturday 20th March 20th In this post I will be sharing some of my top Tarantino films so let’s begin. Quentin Tarantino is a American film director, screenwriter, producer, and actor. His films are characterised by nonlinear storylines, dark humor, aestheticization of violence source: 1 . Pulp Fiction (1994 ) This one is a bitContinue reading “my top 5 Tarantino movies 🎬🍿”

My 30 day break from Social Media ✋⛔️

Friday 18th March 2021 It’s important to take breaks from social media from time to time because studies show that spending too much time scrolling can increase feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression. To take a break from social media, all you should do is turn off notifications , and prioritize your self care orContinue reading “My 30 day break from Social Media ✋⛔️”

The benefits of Black Coffee ☕️

Tuesday 16th March 2021 Hello and good morning, in today’s post i will be talking about and giving the benefits of black coffee and why you should drink it so let’s go. Black coffee is rich in taste and a antioxidant which can help fight cell damage and reduce the risk of serious health problemsContinue reading “The benefits of Black Coffee ☕️”

Favourite Horror Movies 🤡

Monday 15th March 2021 In today’s post I will be going through my favourite horror movies so sit back, relax and let’s begin! The Conjuring is a 2013 American supernatural horror film. which is based on a true story, The Conjuring involves real-life supernatural investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren, who were involved in the AmityvilleContinue reading “Favourite Horror Movies 🤡”

Shows and Movies to watch on Netflix 🎬🍿

Monday 8th March 2021 On this post I will be talking about shows and movies to watch on Netflix while living life in lockdown as there is nothing better to apart from gaining weight lol! from time to time we can all appreciate a bag of popcorn 🍿 and tub of ice- cream 🍨 itContinue reading “Shows and Movies to watch on Netflix 🎬🍿”

MY Favourite comedy movies 🤣

Wednesday 3rd March 2021 Friday (1995) 1995 American comedy film directed by F. Gary and written by O’Shea Jackson (Ice Cube) It follows a character Craig Jones (Ice Cube) and Smokey (Chris Tucker) 2 unemployed friends who must pay a local drug dealer on a Friday night This is the first installment of the FridayContinue reading “MY Favourite comedy movies 🤣”

Keep calm and CURRY on cooking🧑‍🍳

Monday 1st March 2021 In this post I will be going through how to make Indian curries these are some of my favourites to make, and since this whole pandemic all i’ve been doing is going to the supermarkets and just buying all sort of random ingredients because boredom has really taken over and there’sContinue reading “Keep calm and CURRY on cooking🧑‍🍳”

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