My Night Time Routine.

Wednesday 10th March 2021

  1. Wash my face with lukewarm water, so you can remove the dirt, grime, and excess oil that has built up inside my pores and use moisturiser on the skin.
  2. This will help to prevent clogging my pores and any breakouts, and will minimize dryness on the face.

I do this every morning to wake up and get rid of the germs that may have accumulated while sleeping the previous day. when you sleep your pillow may have some bacteria on it so it good to give your face a good scrub.

2.I exfoliate twice week, after washing my face I scrub away any dead skin cells that can clog up pores blackheads or whiteheads and any possible breakouts, when you exfoliate it allows healthy skins cells to live on your face and on the skin, this meaning it gives you a brighter skin look.

3. Moisture twice daily, once I cleanse and rubbed it into the skin, it hydrates and protects my face.

The final step is to use the moisturiser daily and apply on the face. it gives vitamins and nutrients to the skin.

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