My Morning Routine.

Tuesday 9th March 2021

  1. I drink 1 Litre (2 pints) of water as soon as I wake up. This is to get me hydrated and enables me to activate the digestive system. Drinking water first thing in the morning on an empty stomach can help you with weight loss as well.

2.meditating and breathing exercises I use an app called Headspace which is very good defo recommend it!

3. Stretching out my muscles so I don’t have cramps or muscle spasms from the night before as you may move around when sleeping.

Stretches should be done in a morning routine because it activates all muscles in your lower and upper body and combined with basic breathing techniques, will get your heart rate going! and gives you a good start to the day ahead.

4. 60 second cold shower!

you probably think i’m crazy but having a 1 minute cold shower early in the morning is a good way to get your blood circulating around the body wake up properly and get you ready for the day ahead.

many people think that this is impossible, but it’s not really comfortable and is pretty easy once you get use to it a few times

there are many benefits for cold showers and you’ll feel great once you get into the habit of taking early morning 60 second cold showers

Benefits of daily cold showers are:

A Improved immune system
Lower stress levels
better blood circulation
helps fat loss
Drains lymphatic system

For the last year or so, I have been trying to do the Wim Hof method to my daily routine.

And I can say with confidence and first hand experience I have felt major difference and the benefits to my immune system and have not had illnesses by adding a daily cold shower into my routine.

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