Secret for more energyđŸ˜±đŸ‘€đŸ€”

Tuesday 23rd February 2021

Your most likely thinking here we go again another of those pointless theories but this is no pill or potion but just a liquid we’re all familiar with it mostly morning times any thoughts yet?

GREEN TEA!!! has been used in Indian and chinese traditional medicine for many years. it comes as no surprise as to why there has been so many theories but i’m just speaking from personal experience and the effect it had on me, I was introduced to this when me and my cousin went out for a coffee and instead getting coffee like a normal he asked for tea at the time is was thinking dafaq is that haha.

But then he told me the benefits he saw from it I was apprehensive at first but eventually said fuck it what harm can it do right? 3 weeks had gone by and I had been drinking it on and off but then all of a sudden I felt this rush of energy!!! I felt like Goku and had unlocked something that never thought existed. lol

Long story short start drinking green tea it helps with losing weight, more focus, energy digestion as well as other things that you may need to look into further.

adios for now stay tuned for more posts like this

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